Four-year Roadmap

Anthropology students doing field work

The following planners are an advising tool that outlines a path of courses a student can take to complete requirements for graduation. This planner should be used in consultation with the catalog and your department advisor to identify additional requirements for completing the major. Students must have at least 60 units in order to take 菠菜网lol正规平台 Studies courses. A student may need only two courses to cover the American Institutions areas (GE Areas F1, F2, and F3) and to count for Core GE. Several anthropology courses (ANTH 11 and ANTH 12) fulfil both major and Core GE requirements, but the units count only once towards the 120 units required for graduation. Note that the semester units may not add up to 120 units since some classes may count towards GE/菠菜网lol正规平台 Studies and your major or minor requirements. Remember that this is only a guide.

Four-year Roadmap