Impaction 2024

菠菜网lol正规平台 Proposes Impaction Changes for Fall 2024

At San Jose State University (菠菜网lol正规平台) we are considering changes to guidelines that would affect transfer students seeking admission to select programs in our Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering. These changes would not affect freshmen applicants. Our proposed changes do not apply to any other approved impaction policies currently in place for all other undergraduate programs. In addition, this change does not affect students who have already applied or are applying for admission for fall 2023 or spring 2024. For current impaction criteria visit the Undergraduate Admissions Impaction site.

The changes proposed for impaction are focused on increasing student success outcomes for transfer students while ensuring admitted transfer students are prepared to be successful in the discipline. Our proposed changes aim to better enable students to complete their undergraduate degrees in a timely manner. 

Modifying Supplemental Criteria for Transfer Admission to Select Programs in the College of Engineering

Beginning with the Fall 2024 cohort, we are proposing changes to the current supplemental coursework used to give preference to applicants in the admission consideration process. The current supplemental coursework for majors in the College of Engineering can be found on our Impaction Page

In general, we are proposing to require certain courses to be completed prior to transfer. Applicants will only be considered for admission if the equivalent required coursework is complete. The table below identifies the required coursework by major, as well as supplemental coursework.

Students who have completed equivalent coursework to the courses listed in the Supplemental Coursework column will receive preference in accordance with our current impaction process (a GPA bump will be awarded for each supplemental course that is satisfied). 

Proposed Coursework for Transfer Admission to College of Engineering - By Major
Major Required Courses Supplemental Coursework
Aerospace Engineering Math 30, Math 31, Physics 50 Chem 1A, CMPE 30, Math 32, Physics 51
Aviation None Math 71 or Math 30; Physics 2A or Physics 50
Biomedical Engineering Math 30, Math 31, Physics 50 Chem 1A, Chem 1B, Math 32, Physics 51
Chemical Engineering Math 30, Math 31, Physics 50 Chem 1A, Chem 1B, Math 32, Physics 51
Civil Engineering Math 30, Math 31, Physics 50 Chem 1A, CE 95, Math 32, Physics 51
Computer Engineering Math 30, Math 31, Physics 50, CMPE 30 Math 32, Physics 51, CMPE 50 (new!)
Electrical Engineering Math 30, Math 31, Physics 50 Physics 51, Chem 1A, EE30 or CMPE30*, Math 32
Engineering Technology None Math 71 or Math 30; Physics 2A or Physics 50
Industrial & Systems Technology Math 30, Math 31, Physics 50 Chem 1A, CMPE 30, Math 32, Physics 51
Interdisciplinary Engineering Math 30, Math 31, Physics 50 Chem 1A, CMPE 30, Math 32, Physics 51
Materials Engineering Math 30, Math 31, Physics 50 Chem 1A, Chem 1B, Math 32, Physics 51
Mechanical Engineering Math 30, Math 31, Physics 50 Chem 1A, CE 95, Math 32, Physics 51
Software Engineering** Math 30, Math 31 CS 46A, CS 46B (new!), Math 42 (new!), Physics 50

*Satisfying this requirement with a course that is based on C/C++ programming is strongly recommended.

** An AS-T in Computer Science will satisfy all required and supplemental courses.

Potential benefits of proposed changes:

  • Reduce transfer students' total time to graduation from the time they start at their community colleges.
  • Reduce cost for students.
  • Improve 菠菜网lol正规平台 retention and graduation rates for transfer students in engineering.

Share Your Thoughts

University stakeholders and community members will have the opportunity to comment or share thoughts through a dedicated email address,, or in writing to:Impaction Comments, ℅ Coleetta McElroy, San Jose State University, One Washington Square, San Jose, CA 95192-0020.

Comments submitted to email will be posted here at the conclusion of the public comment period.

We will be holding a stakeholders meeting along with three public hearings in March, where we will share the proposed changes and allow for questions and comments.

Public Stakeholders Meeting

Monday, March 6, 2023 - Meet with College Success Collaborative

Public Hearings

Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. 
Zoom Link
Recording of March 21 Hearing

Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. 
Zoom Link
Recording of March 22 Hearing

Thursday, March 23, 2023, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. 
Zoom Link
Recording of March 23 Hearing 

Presentation for Public Hearing (PDF) [pdf]

Next Steps

We will submit a final proposal for 2024-2025 impaction changes to the California State University Chancellor’s Office on April 14, 2023, inclusive of any adjustments arising from consideration of public input during the hearing process. If approved by the Chancellor’s Office, we will implement impaction planning criteria for Fall 2024 admissions beginning in June 2023.

If you have questions, please contact Coleetta McElroy, Interim Sr. Associate Vice President for Enrollment Management at 408-924-6086.

Frequently Asked Questions

*Please note this section may be updated as additional questions or comments come in during the public hearing process.

What programs will be affected if these changes to impaction are approved?

The only programs that will be affected are in the Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering and only at the transfer admission level. The impaction review process for admission to all other undergraduate programs will continue to follow the process outlined at

What counties are included in 菠菜网lol正规平台’s current local admission area and what benefit do applicants receive in admission consideration?
菠菜网lol正规平台’s current local admission area includes Santa Clara County for freshmen and Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties for transfer students. Students within the local admission area receive a 0.25 GPA bump.

Will the proposed changes to admissions policies impact graduate students?
The proposed changes to admissions policies affect transfer undergraduate admission only and will not impact graduate admissions.