Research Centers and Partners
Research Centers
The School of Social Work is home to a variety of centers and groups focused on community-engaged research and practice.
The Center for Healthy Aging in Multi-Cultural Populations (CHAMP)
CHAMP promotes healthy aging among multi-cultural and diverse populations living in the San Francisco Bay area. With faculty affiliates from a variety of academic disciplines at 菠菜网lol正规平台, the Center facilitates interdisciplinary aging research, education and training, and strategic partnerships with community-based organizations working with older adults. For more information please visit the CHAMP website.
The Child Welfare Research and Training Project (CW-PART)
The CW-PART project is a partnership between the School, the Title IV-E project, the County of Santa Clara, and other involved agency collaborators. Research teams of students led by a faculty member explore questions of interest to agency partners, as part of the MSW capstone 298 course. For more information please visit the CW-PART website .
Research Institute on Foster Youth Initiatives (RIFYI)
The Research Institute on Foster Youth Initiatives (RIFYI) grew out of a critical need for research that increases the understanding of the relationship between child welfare practices and the educational and life outcomes for children and youth living in out of home care (foster care, groupd care, relative care). For more information please visit the RIFYI website.
Faculty Research and Scholarship
Our faculty are also engaged in research and other scholarly projects partnering with numerous agencies in the community. Read more about faculty members and their research interests. Reach out to learn more or explore possible future collaborations.
Community Partners
The School of Social Work works closely with community organizations and agencies to provide internships for students, to create research collaborations focusing on questions of mutual interest, and to develop a network to support students' professional growth. We have long-standing partnerships with the County of Santa Clara Social Services Agency, the San Jose Chapter of NASW, local hospitals and schools, and many other organizations.