Bobby Seals
Ph.D. California Institute of Integral Studies, 2022
Anthropology of Marronage, African Diaspora, Socio-Cultural Anthropology, Social Justice
Movements, Environmental Racism, Epistemic Extractivism, Transatlantic Slave Trade,
Epistemologies of the South, Auto-Ethnography, Activist Ethnographic Research, Decolonization,
Indigenous Rights, Ethno-history/herstory, Orientalism, Post-Coloniality, Hip Hop
Studies, Transnational Corporate Accountability
Office Hours:
Will resume Spring 2025
Clark Hall 461
Bobby Seals holds a B.A. in African American Studies from San José State University and a M.A. in Ethnic Studies (with an Emphasis in Africana Studies) from San Francisco State University's College of Ethnic Studies and is currently completing his doctorate in Cultural Anthropology from California Institute of Integral Studies.
As a scholar, activist, and cultural worker, his teaching and research critically examines and deconstructs resistance movements, specially (Literary / Cultural) Marronage and the African Diasporic existential experience in relation to the effects and consequences of modernity, post-coloniality and globalization in non-western spaces. Mr. Seals’ scholarly interests also includes Hip-Hop Studies, Caribbean Studies, Fanonism and the Counter-Narrative, Decolonization, Black in Latin America, Black Existentialism, Environmental Racism, New World Slavery and Whiteness Studies.
He has several years of professional experience in organizing Student study-Abroad projects, volunteerism, and in the non-profit sector.